Tonga - March 2012

OQRS for direct and bureau QSL cards

The QSO data you are entering here will be checked by our QSL manager, and you will get your card(s) via the bureau. In combination with a minimum donation of  US$ 5 or EUR 3 your QSL card(s) will be sent directly to your address. If you do not want to use the OQRS, you can send your QSL card either direct to our QSL manager or via the German DARC bureau to DL7DF.

Your call sign: (required field)
Your e-mail: (required field)
Your name,
mailing address
and country:
if you want a direct QSL to your address entered here
please don't forget to pay through PayPal below.

A35YZ Date UTC Band Mode Comment (optional)

If you have had more than 12 QSOs, repeat the OQRS with the rest of your QSOs.

PayPal Donation for direct QSL requests

Select currency: Your call sign: