3DA0DF and 3DA0FR

Swaziland - October 2001

DXpedition Pictures

We were staying at the Mountain Inn.
Look at: www.mountaininn.sz.
It is Swaziland's most personal hotel, situated only
4km from Mbabane, a professionally, yet family run establishment.
Where are we? Main building of the Mountain Inn.
Cool relax after hot pileups! Sigi, DL7DF, on the mike. No, Sigi is NOT shaving his beard, it's a microfon indeed.
Rainer, DL7KL, operating (the radio). Frank, DL7UFR, assembling an antenna. As usual, he forgot the manual.
DL4WK under the 6 ele for 6m. 4 ele Quad for 12m and 2 ele Quad for 17m between
the Titanex V80 and a fiberglas mast.
Frank, DL7UFR, is sending the logs and news from
an internet cafe.
Sigi, DL7DF, at the 6m station.
Dinner with the local hams: Frank, DL7UFR, Sigi, DL7DF, Willy, 3DA0BD, Andy, 3DA1BD and Rainer, DL7KL (l.to.r) Andy, 3DA1BD, Wolf, DL4WK, Willy, 3DA0BD, Sigi, DL7DF (l.to.r)
The Mountain Inn - view from the pool. We don't think that we will ever return home from this beautiful place. The R7 as seen from the main building.

Above: the R7 can now be seen at the entrance of the hotel.

Right: the R7 on a flag pole at its new location. Not only R7's would like to be located at such nice places...

Frank, DL7UFR, takes a few microseconds break from the pileup for this photo shoot. Due to the bad conditions, there is actually no reason to smile but Sigi is at least happy about the perfect food supply at the hotel.
6m is open but the receiver is deaf. Don't blame Wolf, DL4WK. You can't find a more beautiful place for the R7. The R7 seems to feel well here.
The famous 3DA0DF & 3DA0FR headquarters in the morning mist! The famous 3DA0DF & 3DA0FR headquarters a little later, when the bands opened!
The Titanex V80E. Is is the antenna or is it the propagation why we have so few QSOs on the lowbands? We now change strategy: maybe praying at the antenna helps to get better propagation!